Tuesday, 21 August 2012

   For decades you have been seduced by the ruling classes, and your mind's abilities to think for itself have been lessened. aided by popular(and manufactured with the intent to de-educate you)music and films. All other contemporary art forms have also been "controlled" with the ambition of bombarding you with nonsensical media to keep you sedated, and un-thinking.

   With the advent of rapidly evolving technology, education was put into reach of the common man, cheaply, and on a scale not previously thought possible. Not the government controlled propaganda designed to keep you stupid and ineffectual, but true education, the education that enables a man to think for himself and make his own decisions and choices in life. The Ruling Elite had not prepared for the onslaught of constantly expanding  technology that would allow the common man access to a fountain of information, knowledge, and unadulterated wisdom that could be derived from the art's. This would, in turn. lead to a massive, unthinkable rise in the ability of being able to better one's self, and to question one's lot in life, and demand, and strive, for more! The common man had finally found a weapon with which he could rival the Ruling Classes and query their wanton recklessness, the cheapness of life set upon the poor, the Ruling Elite's hatred for those with less...

   The government and their masters have finally realised this and are attempting to restrict the amount of information and art, true art, you have access too. To the Ruling Elite, it is an outright indecency for the poor to appreciate life, and all its mysteries, as much as they believe themselves to do.

   In order to bring about this change and stop the unchecked spread of technology, and education, they (the Ruling Elite), needed a World War sized catastrophe, a viable excuse which would enable them to clamp down upon man's unfettered self-education without alarming the population to their intentions. To this end, they were able, with the help of their media mouthpiece, to concoct a story about the banks collapsing, implement the age of austerity, champion the deficit reduction, incite global terrorism,  and ruthlessly segregate the undeserving poor from his neighbours and friends, in order to put a restriction on Slave class purchasing power, the sole aim being to price technology out of reach of the common man. By decreasing the spending power of the poor with steadily increasing taxation and by criminalising those with the least, ensuring the welfare they should receive is removed from them, to the cheers of the tabloid encouraged morally repugnant right wing Conservo- socialists,  the working class (known also as the feral underclass) will, within a matter of years, be placed outside the once golden box that gave them access to cheap, educating technology. Once this as occurred, the Ruling Elite will have obtained their goal.

   De-education of the Slave class.

   Soon the common man will only have access to the information they want him to, and as the years go by, this will also be lessened until the common man becomes nothing more than a mindless drone, told who to love, who to hate, who to attack and who to praise. We are already seeing mass examples of this, on a daily basis in the tabloid press and T.V news channels. 

   Notice how the English language is being devolved and eroded into "text-speak". True linguistics are being stamped out almost overnight by the constant attacks on our ears and I.Q's by meaningless drivel such as rap music, X-factor Sopranos, Big Brother style reality shows and the banning of all important literature from schools, except those of the Elite class, the intent of this is to deny the poor, the common, the average (those without) the education they crave and SHOULD be entitled to, enabling them to become "equal" to their enslavers.

   Individualism is not profit making.

   The middle, or chattering classes will not be exempt from this. In fact, they will become the small, yet globalised bureaucrats who will be paid a pitiful, yet far more than the Slave class, amount to keep "the Animals" in check and ensure they remain faithful to the Ruling Elite masters.

   The middle will find that, as time goes on, more and more sources of information, are banned from public circulation, making them considerably less intelligent than they were previously. Any who do retain some independent thought of their own, and decide to question the motives of the Ruling Elite, will probably disappear at night, before they are able to stir up any form of protest or uprising.

   The middle are only a small percent of the population, they will be allowed access to the heavily censored internet, forever watched by the presiding Elite, just waiting for them to slip up and show the slightest sign of non-conformity, so they will be the easiest part of it to control. 
   The Ruling Elite see only that man is an animal, in both instinct, and malleable traits, and thus can be bent and shaped to the will of the "Controller". To be implemented and used for whatever desired cause or needs, the Ruling Elite see fit. Allowing the true education of a man, his ability to learn and judge for himself, enjoying it while he does, is a fallacy to them. They will stop at nothing to remove this from him, so that he becomes more servile and less inclined to act, think, and be human.

   The media is in place to program the mind's of the population, mind's eager for truth, knowledge and justice. The Ruling Elite know this, and tailor the media to have you thinking and believing what they want you to think, believe and even feel. The media encourages focused hatred of select groups, such as the sick, the unemployed, the people who demand change, all for the good of the Ruling Elite, so they can maintain their stronghold (increasing exponentially) over the fear induced "Target Group" hating population they abuse as slaves.

   Before too long, politicians will have no need for spin, they will blatantly lie in open, and you will all swallow it down, like bad medicine, The media are already gearing up to reflect this. It wont be long until we begin to see contradictory stories such as, the banks saved the world, not end it, politicians are good honest people who are your friends, and want to do right by you, the faceless police thugs are heroes, the poor are the cause of all trouble on Earth.......

   And already, millions of you are falling for it.

   Already your individualism and freedom of thought are being stripped from you, without so much as a whimper in response. How long can you continue down this road, without realising and acting against it's implications? Today it's the old people being targeted, tomorrow it will be the unemployed, the day after, it could be you! Yet no-one is willing to even attempt to halt this progress of persecution. So many of you are far too caught up in your own struggles for survival, you are more than happy to overlook the plight of others, and even deny it's very existence, in turn denying the very thing that makes you human,  exactly as the Ruling Elite are programming you to do. You are playing right into their hands, for decades this plan as been in operation, and for decades you have followed it's path, knowing full well what it's conclusion would be....

   The end of Humanity, the indestructible stagnation placed over you by those who see themselves as superior, more worthy of life's riches than you are because they were born into privilege.

   The tide may very well turn in our favour, one day, but in order for that to happen, we must fight now! The time for talk, the time for reasoning with people who view you only as cattle, is over. 

   The time for Re-education is now!


  1. Excellent stuff, sir. Look forward to more offerings from your good self.

  2. Thnx u sir! im finally figuring out how to reply lol. i must say, for us newbies its not exactly as clear cut as it could be. its still awesome though, love it sir

    1. No worries, sir. Now put your poems up here, sir. They'll be easier to refer to that way and they must get some exposure. I mean it.
