Tuesday 21 August 2012

War on Slavery II

I love the bleating taxpayer, up in arms about my benefits
The bleeding hearted liberals, sucking on their own children's tits'
Blaming all and sundry, for their own misguided deeds
The future of hate, a boot stamping the human race
Into dust
Planting their vicious seeds

You got Cameron with his hand in the till, all the way to his fucking elbow
And Chris Grayling the evil bastard, bending over backwards to hide the ominous glow
Of truth and horror and the disparity, of us poor cunts on the breadline
But dont worry about it tax payers, just so long as you are doing fine
In this Multiculti class neo liberal satan slash God, slash Islamic faith school war
You are the worst offenders, evil to the core, its a sad ironic bore
The way you follow the money trail, all the way to Number 10's door!

The way you follow your monarchy, of German descent
A few years ago we called them Nazis, now we call them

This country, this life, a jagged bitter pill
A sardonic catatonic, swallow it you will
A parody of virtues, for the rich to be distilled

Celebritary, not ordinary, like me and you
Yet you'd sell me out to Simon Cowel
For a chance to live on his hill
Look at the news, the telly, outside, wonder what the fuck?
Why we are regressing, like a record with its needle stuck
And what is the outcome of man's final experiment?
Inflation of food costs and ever rising rent
Do you think it will heal in time, get better with a plaster?
You're deluding yourself you stupid swine, we are in the midst of global disaster
But do carry on and dont let me stop you, I'm just a friendly ranter
Oh look you souless, braindead 'tards, It's time for Britains got the X factor!
Names, faces, shames, races
We are all the guilty and the blamed
I burn my flag, you burn your book
Watch them all enraged
At one man's feeble attempt
To right the wrongs of yore
Fruitless in my passion
I know you just ignore
The signs, the times, designs of utter contempt
So I must go on trying to vainly attempt
To get you to take notice, before it is too late
But scrape my words from your precious world
Like the leavings on last night's dinner plate

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